

For Success and Fulfillment

The Search can be long and arduous. It is the nature of the mind to go down many rabbit holes In the search for The Answers TO LIFE.

WHEN ALL rabBit holes have been exhausted, the Truth can Be realised AND Experienced AS “InNNEr Stillness.”

Once our true Nature (STILLNESS) IS Revealed, There is A perpetual opporunity to RE-Realise Remember and Re-Experience This Truth (which is US) AGAIN and AGAIN.

ONCE FULLY REALISED the RELAtive perceptions that We are this or That FALL AWAY.

The integration of ENLIGHTENMENT and SUccess is the Ultimate achievement FOr the Householder.

The Truth is ever present and omni present. Nothing can taint it or corrupt it. But what does this mean for us as “householders” trying to earn a living and or feed our family? Well, as it turns out… a lot !! When we focus on, and ultimately realise Truth, we transcend mind made suffering and are able to recognise a more purposeful life where challenges and circumstances carry less weight and stress than they once did.

The Truth, Great Spirit, Love, Stillness, Awareness, True Nature, Source (what ever you want to call it) is the Ultimate or Absolute Truth. When the Absolute Truth is experienced as You, psychological suffering lessens and the negative events in our life carry less emotional charge and or come and go more quickly than they otherwise would. We no longer cling to negative stories and beliefs in the same way we once did. We ultimately come to understand the purpose of our life, which is to discover and grow into and as our unique expression of Life, in and of the world.

Realisation, is both immediate and organic, it is not a destination but rather a perpetual unfolding which requires, patience, faith and grit. There are no silver bullets. However there are great traditions and Masters that can guide and initiate us in practices that can assist Self Realisation. The invitation is to stop exploring every rabbit hole and commit to a practise that works.

Great Spirit does not get upset, sad, angry, frustrated or impatient, those are personal, relative states, which obstruct our ever Present, Pristine Self Nature which can never be touched by our prefereces or negativity. When we identify with low vibrational thoughts, beliefs and stories we experience a corrupted perception of Truth. The Truth, once realised can be directed to our physical, mental, emotional bodies to identify and heal any karmic resistance. As Awareness is realised as Self, we move from an I based “self” to an experience of “Self” independent of all that comes and goes. Our challenge as householders is to realise our True Nature whilst also getting things done.

O f f e r i n g s

An ancient ceremony which helps participants purify and experience Presence.

Sweat Lodges

Involves a monthly call with Tim together with a group of other students looking to immerse themselves in deep Wisdom from the Heart.

One on One Guidance with Tim

A series of 50 minute sessions to explore the many aspects of your life, including spiritual, relationships, finances and business related issues.

Group Guidance with Tim


It is our false identification with Negative Stories and Beliefs That Creates Stress and Disharmony. WHAt if we REcognised And experienced The underlying Present moment as WHo we are? This small but profound shift makes all the difference to our experience of Life.